Saturday, March 25, 2006

More images

As I can't seem to figure out how to post images without them ending at the top of the post, here are some more images of the current WIP... Lovely, soft, very thin yarn. Yum!


Stitchcounter said...

Nice for pictures always appearing at the top, you can go to the "compose" tab when you have uploaded your pics and cut and paste them into place. (Sometimes it will automatically publish the post but I go back, edit it, and then re-post.) I am not super savy with the html so I do what I can with the Blogger tools.

turtlegirl76 said...

Yeah, I'm a cut 'n paster too. I have no idea why blogger does that, it's silly really.

Ringerike Husflidslag said...

Thanks for the tips! I'll try them out some day when I've got the time... :-)