Thursday, March 23, 2006


I know this might be off-topic, but I just have to make an entry about tonight's great concert. As a dedicated Mew fan for the last year, I've already seen Mew twice in six months. But I couldn't miss the chance to see them again, at Rockefeller, Oslo tonight. And what a great show it was. They kicked it off with Special, and from there it was a true joyride. They did all the songs we know and love, and a few of the lesser-known ones from the first two albums. Jonas's voice is a great as ever! Snow Brigade sounded just awesome, as did Zookeeper's Boy. Two final numbers, as always SheSpider and Comforting Sounds. I took a lot of pictures with my phone, so if I can work out how to download them to the pc, I will post them here shortly :-)

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