Sunday, April 16, 2006

FO:the neckwarmer

My new shoulder/neckwarmer is done! Stayed up late last night just to finish it. And it looks great! Was a bit worried that my larger size needles would make the edges look weird, but it's turned out just fine. I've also started working on the matching wristwarmers, but they're a bit more difficult to work with. It's hard to keep track of the pattern, so I might reknit them later. I also keep dropping stitches because I'm having some trouble with yo's knitting in the round. It's so easy to drop those extra stitches when passing from one needle to the other. Tried knitting part of it flat and then joining in the round, but then the lace pattern stretched the whole thing out of proportion. At least I still have enough yarn to give it another go :-)


Angela said...

This is gorgeous! Congrats:)

Ringerike Husflidslag said...

Thanks! Now all I need to do is sew in the yarn ends and block it. I've also started working on the matching wristwarmers.