Saturday, April 22, 2006

Amazon, I love you &the wonders of stitch markers

Thanks to all the people at Knittyboard for ideas on new knitting books to buy. I've ordered One Skein, and it was shipped yesterday. Can't wait! I've also discovered the point of stitch markers, working on the matching wristwarmers for the shoulderwarmer. It was easy enough following the pattern for the shoulderwarmer without using stitchmarkers, but for the wristwarmers....not so easy. Lost count on where to start the pattern, som now it's all off and not in the place it should be. Looks like some frogging is called for....sigh. Hopefully I can just frog the second repeat of the pattern.


String Bean said...

Did you find the Kitty Pi link? It's in the sidebar on the KCCL site.

Ringerike Husflidslag said...

Yeah, I found the link :-) I'll check my stash and see if I've got something I can use -sure I've got a few hanks of wool left that could work.